Services | Rose Bella Med Spa
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We are Specialized in...


We are your best option for cosmetic procedures, such as aesthetic injectables such as Botox, Dysport, Xiomin and dermal fillers. More than 5 years of experience.

Las inyecciones de Botox


xBotox injections are noted for their ability to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles, thus, for many patients, they enhance their natural beauty, increase self-esteem, and enable them to age the way they want.


PRP Therapy

PRP is known as a "natural filler" treatment that gives a more youthful appearance to the skin. PRP improves the overall texture of the skin, diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


Derma Fillers

Dermal filler injections are a non-surgical procedure and are an excellent option for cosmetic procedures because they are non-invasive and quick. It is also used to augment the lips and refine the nose.


PDO Threads

PDO treatment repositions and supports sagging skin caused by ageing. The thread is made of a biodegradable polymer; it is slowly absorbed by your body over time. It naturally stimulates collagen to provide a youthful appearance. Collagen helps the skin stay plump.



Kybella treatments are quick and easy because it’s a nonsurgical treatment. You will not need to worry about needing maintenance injections. Targeted fat is gone for good. The only way to get rid of fat cells is to remove them manually through this Kybella’s cosmetic treatment.



Sculptra is known as a biostimulatory filler, a synthetic gel made from the same lactic acid that occurs naturally in the body. Sculptra has a lot of benefic, including: Nonsurgical butt lift or buttock augmentation, Correction of cellulite, Correction of chest, elbow, and knee wrinkles



Results with Dysport feel natural to you. A smoothing of what we call dynamic wrinkles is achieved: wrinkles that form with movement and muscle contraction. You should expect a softening of moderate to severe frown lines while maintaining your natural appearance.



Testosterone is a steroid from the androstane class containing a ketone and a hydroxyl group at positions three and seventeen respectively. In humans and most other vertebrates, testosterone is secreted primarily by the testicles of males and, to a lesser extent, the ovaries of females. 



It is a non-surgical procedure with instant results. Its benefits include tightens the loose skin on the face and the whole body, makes the skin look younger, enhances collagen production, high precision to target specific areas, no hyperpigmentation, no infection, no pain.

Depilación láser

Laser Hair Removal

Is the best method for permanent hair removal. It is quick, treatments don’t take long, laser hair removal is the fastest way to get rid of unwanted hair. Helps with ingrown hairs.​​ The results last a long time. 

cejas maquillaje


Microblading can create the appearance of fuller hair, but it doesn't help with hair regrowth. Is very safe and makes you look more contoured and beautiful face!

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